This project report is in due course of Bachelor’s Industrial Engineering II year I part. Under the course material of “Mini Project” we have prepared a report on “Manufacturing Technology Used and Applied in Nepal”.
Since, the coverage of this topic is very wide and incopeable at present level, the evaluation have just incorporated a specific area of study. Due to the insufficiency of time different firms and industries could not be visited up to the level of satisfactory. Even though, we have tried for our level best to cope up with maximum industries they are functioning at smooth level at present context.
Thus our basic study was focused on following industries types:
1. Dairy and Dairy Products
2. Textile industries
3. Biscuit and Chocolate industries
4. Fabricating industries
5. Turbine and suspension bridge manufacturing industries
The above mentioned firms have their own specific manufacturing process. These processes have been elusively illustrated in the latter sections of this report. However, it will be a fatuous to mention that these industries will fulfill the core study of manufacturing technologies used in Nepal.
One of the disserting factors being the eco-political of current situation in Nepal. Due to the constrained in adequate supply of electricity and water in the industries the industries run only on the period basis, which hindered us from visiting the plant. Also, due to inadequate supply of raw materials industries sustain a major setback in running the industries. Hence, in conjecture we happened to visit firms on these occasions and awfully had to find another way of resilience.
We felt even more traumatic to draw the attention of the dignitaries of different firms as some of them consistently disagreed to our approach. However, providing them with suggestive augments about our objective behind the visit, we were able to assure them. On the other hand, there were firms where we were allowed a easy get to pass visit.
The level of our study has not met the proficiency level but different technologies that we encountered have been explained elaborately in this report. Similarly, subsequent procedures applied to produce the product, using the available technology have been explained herewith.
Hence, this report has been prepared as a detail study of our field visit, excursion, and direct or indirect interaction with different professionals we have met during the whole tenure of the report preparation.
Finally, on the nutshell, this report has tried to incorporate the technologies used in different firms in Nepal. Data collected have been interpreted as understood by the group. Hence, we apologize for any error in presentation.